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Wisdom  v.s.  Knowledge 


  • Wisdom: the soundness of an action or decision, with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.


  • Knowledge: what is known in a particular field, or in total; facts and information.  


We have all seen the bumper sticker: “My Boxer is more obedient than your Poodle.”

Others might read: “My Dad Can Fix Anything” or “My Mom Is The Best Mom”.  

Growing up, I believed my dad was the smartest of all dads. I would stand and marvel at how wise he was. As I got older, I was even more impressed when I realized how little formal education he received, or had opportunity, to receive. Similar words could be said for my mother.

I am sure many are saying “ditto”, in respect to the elders in our families.  


The Book of Proverbs says in 3.17-18:

[Wisdom’s] ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called happy. 


In the introduction to the Book of Proverbs, editors of the NIV Bible version write:

“To teach people how to attain wisdom and discipline and a prudent life, and to do what is right and just and fair—in short, to apply divine wisdom to daily life, and to provide moral instruction.”  


As I look back, I am aware of how I have attained most of my Christian wisdom/knowledge—through the great teacher, 'Experience'.   This 'experience' began with Sunday School, and has continued through the regular attendance at weekly worship.            

During the past 2 years of the COVID Pandemic, Public Health regulations have required that we put off 'in-person' attendance.

Now, we are in a place where Public Health officials are endorsing larger public gatherings again, and we can have 'in-person' worship, “with appropriate” safety protocols.

The wisdom of in-person teaching, within the gathered community, dates back to Jesus’ itinerant teaching ministry.  

Here in BC, we have been blessed by the guidance of Dr. Bonnie Henry. (Personally, I have appreciated her guidance, which has come to us based on science (knowledge), and wisdom.) 

Within the Church, we often find ourselves attempting to prove Doctrine with the use of knowledge or intelligence.

At the same time, I believe God calls us to turn toward the deeper teacher, Wisdom.  


We may want to take time to read the Book of Proverbs this week, and to reflect on the people in our lives--those who have been great teachers of wisdom for us.

(Already, one of my reflections involves why I have never taken up the habit of ‘chewing tobacco”!)  


Blessings for this week,

Archdeacon Brian+