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Children, Church Camp, & the Holy Spirit!


Some of my greatest "Holy Spirit moments" took place at Church Camp.   

My mind floods with memories of great preacher-storytellers bringing stories of Jesus to life! Then, there were all the crafts, games, and new friends; plus, chapel times 3 times each day!            

Over the next thirty years, I served as a camp counselor for teens; a camp lay chaplain; a parish mission spiritual director; and in many other "camp" roles.  

Today, I think about the children. Children share such a gift of joy of the Holy Spirit, with us!  

I also think about Holy Communion. There is little more exciting to a parish priest than sharing in the administration of Holy Communion.

When young children stretch out their cupped hands to receive the Bread of Life, they do so with such innocence!

The expressions in their eyes are compelling: blessings shared! Those eyes "speak loudly" of the work of the Holy Spirit!            

Each time I administer the Bread of Life to any who may be visiting during Worship, I receive another gift: that sense of someone being fed in the loving Spirit of Jesus.  It is overwhelming!

The other side of this “gift of feeding the faithful”, is the Person who gives that Bread.

Today’s reflection in the “Day-By Day” focuses on Luke 24.41,

While in their joy they were disbelieving and still wondering.
[Jesus] said to them, “Have you anything to eat?”’

This is the first week of Easter.

For the disciples, and for us, something out of the ordinary has taken place: something so unbelievable! The disciples were just 'not sure', as Jesus appeared to them on this day!   To help them in their unbelief, Jesus showed them his hands and feet. Then, He even asked for something to eat!            

Thinking back to the children, as they extend their hands to receive Holy Communion, I believe they do so with no questions.  

We adults need to "reach out and receive" like children: believing that Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can do the same for us!


Archdeacon Brian+