Now to June 30, 2023
The Diocese of Islands & Inlets
This 7-Week Course,
September 14 - November 2, 2023,
Equip Lay Leaders in
September 14, 21, 28,
October 12, 19, 26,
November 2.
Three Months
Practical Experience (Mentored)
in Your Parish/Region
Final Follow-Up Class
Thursday, February 1, 2024.
The course will provide the skills and resources for laity to lead worship services,
Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and the Liturgy of the Word (a worship service without the Eucharist).
On Completion:
On completion, and with Bishop approval, successful participants will be licensed by the Bishop as Lay Ministers.
Course Design & Content:
In partnership with Bishop Anna Greenwood-Lee, course design and content was developed by The Rev. Canon Donna Joy (Diocese of Rupert's Land) and
The Rev. Sr. Ingrid Andersen (Incumbent, Church of the Advent).
Course Information: HERE
Course Description: The 7 sessions will equip lay leaders to:
- Understand the purpose of liturgy
- Follow the lectionary and examine its purpose in worship/liturgical formation
- Understand our Anglican, geographical, social and historical context
- Become familiar with the broad principals and structure of the BCP and the BAS
- Pray creatively and prepare intercessory prayers
- Access the available liturgical, lectionary, prayer and sermon resources needed to plan and lead a worship service
Dates & Location:
Via Zoom on Thursdays from 7pm-9pm
- September 14, 21, 28,
- October 12, 19, 26,
- November 2,
- Three Months of mentored practical experience in your parish/region,
- FINAL Zoom class - Thursday, February 1, 2024.
No Registration Fee.
Participants must purchase the required reading.
Required Reading:
The Liturgical Year: the spiraling adventure of the spiritual life by
Joan Chittister (2009), from the Ancient Practices Series.
Those wishing to lead the Liturgy of the Word must
- have a valid Police Information Check (with Vulnerable Persons Sector check) and
- have completed Safe Church Training within the last five years.
- MUST READ the Diocesan Policies and
SIGN the Policy Acknowledgement Form
BEFORE being accepted to the course.
This signed document must be on file with the Synod office.
- FIND Diocesan Policies & Acknowledgement Form HERE
Email signed form to Anna van der Hooft at
- Participants MUST begin the course with these three qualifications in place, and must maintain them to be licensed by the Bishop.
Demand for this course is very high.
Applications will be considered based on the needs of the parish, lay leadership experience,
proof of Safe Church and a Police Check, and commitment.
Participants must contact their warden, priest, or archdeacon to express interest in this course. Registration must be completed by a warden, priest or archdeacon.
REGISTRATION Open June 1 - 30, 2023
Registration Form HERE
Upon Course Completion:
Upon Completion (full attendance and weekly written reflections), to lead worship in your parish
you must request a Lay Minister's License from Bishop Anna.
Bishop Anna's Assistant Paula Blundell can be reached via email at
Course content - ask the Rev. Ingrid Andersen at -
Course applications - ask Paula Blundell at -