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Christ Overturns the Tables of the Moneylenders

God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him
should not perish but
have eternal life.

John 3.16


            O, Come. Let Us Worship.

  • DIGITAL  WORSHIP @  St. John  the Baptist, Duncan   HERE.

  • Digital Worship @ Christ Church Cathedral Victoria  here.


Exodus 20.1-17  
Psalm 19 
1 Corinthians 1.18-25 
John 2.13-22


Art Work: 
Christ Overturns the Tables of the Moneylenders,
Koenig, Peter
Peter Koenig, Catholic artist whose goal in life is “to paint the drama, romance and poetry of the sacred book.”
In this modern representation of the cleansing of the temple, Jesus holds a whip as he drives away the sheep being sold for sacrifices. The doves have been released and are chaotically flying around above the people, whose expressions are mixtures of shock, horror, irritation, and anger. Jesus has turned over the tables and money is scattering all around the moneylenders.
This painting inspires viewers to reconsider what it means to be a church in today’s society.
Should the church be a place of profit (a den of thieves) or should it use its resources for the good of people? Should it exploit the needy or should it help them? Should the church be an exploitative economic institution or one devoted to alleviating the suffering of all oppressed peoples?
fr: Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.